Ministry Groups
Our Sunday School is a long-standing tradition that is still relevant today as the best way to connect with each other, outside the Sunday service. We encourage everyone to get involved in a Sunday School class or small group. There are groups for all ages: children, youth, and adults. On Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM (as you enter the lower level of the main building) we have children and youth (Wesley Center) groups as well as two adult classes that hear from a pool of six gifted and knowledgeable Bible teachers. You will be blessed as you grow deeper in God’s Word and closer in friendships with fellow believers. Currently our children and youth are meeting outside (weather permitting).
Children’s Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry is filled with loving teachers and fast friends to join you as you play, pray, and study God’s Word. From exciting Wednesday night and Sunday morning classes to unforgettable experiences during Vacation Bible School, Christmas Musicals, and Fall Festivals – the Children’s Ministry is the place where people of all ages will want to be! Don’t miss the music classes, Confirmation, nursery, children’s church, Feeding of the Lambs, and Wednesday night class just for tweens. There are engaging ministry opportunities for birth through sixth grade.
Our youth group (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) is excited to meet you. Come be a part of what God is doing in and through our young people. Together we study God’s Word on Sundays (9:15 AM – year round) and Wednesday evenings (5:30-7PM during the school year), live-out our faith through packing weekend meals for children in our schools, play, travel, and build lasting friendships. We hope you’ll join us!
Our Women’s Bible Study has shared three books since this spring. We are currently between studies. The group includes women of all ages who are blessed by a time of study, sharing, and prayer together.
Supporting marriages is important to the life of the whole congregation. We all need each other. Our most recent marriage study met on Sunday nights in January with childcare available. We hope you will consider joining us for our next couples study. Do you want resources to utilize now? Read the book we used this January or watch here.
Our men gather the second Sunday of each month to share with one another as they prepare breakfast for the congregation. Don’t miss a time of fellowship and support as you build relationships with men of the faith who will support you in your walk with Christ.
There is no age or church-membership requirement for the Good Timers. You are invited to join us each month for a good time. Once each quarter we alternate between celebrating birthdays over lunch, taking a one-day trip, or gathering for hors d’oeuvres and a guest speaker. If you have questions about trip costs, meal reservations, or other details, please contact the monthly host or church office. Come, bring a friend, and have a good time!