Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are eager for our return to Sunday School and worship in-person beginning July 5th. Each week between now and then we will be sharing some of our plans and ways for you to help.
RSVP Practice
While worship will be online ONLY for next Sunday, please take a moment this week to practice our RSVP link. This is just a practice to give you time to ask questions. If you have trouble, please call me 256-393-0809. We will be using the RSVP link each week (beginning in July) as we prepare seats for each household. f9f40825-870a-553b-9029-a83ac6116e32
Beginning July 5th, we will be offering an At-Risk Service on SUNDAYS at 8AM. If you are at-risk because of age or medical conditions, or are a care-giver for someone who is at-risk, we want to extend a special invitation for you to attend worship at 8AM on Sunday. The Wesley Center will be freshly cleaned. The two services will be as close to identical as we can make them. You will have ample time to exit before adults, youth, and children begin to arrive for Sunday School and the 10AM service. The Clean Team will then sanitize the seats and restrooms before the 10AM service. While our main goal in offering the 8AM service is to pro- vide a lower-risk option for those who are at-risk and still actively social-distancing, we are also seeking to follow the guidelines our Bishop and Cabinet have asked us to maintain. These guidelines ask us to keep our attendance in each service at approximately 50 or less. If you are at-risk, choosing to attend the 8AM service will help us keep our numbers spread out between the two service.
Our tentative Sunday Schedule will be:
8:00 AM – At-Risk Worship Service
9:15 AM – Sunday School
9:15 AM – Sunday School
Children (outside, weather permitting) Youth (outside, weather permitting)
Adults (main building, regular rooms & Parish Hall)
10:00 AM – Worship
In the Wesley Center chairs will be pre-arranged in family groups. We will need your help to know ahead of time that you and any family members are coming so your seats will be ready Please help our Ushers by completing your RSVP. You can do this using an online link (we will practice next week) or by calling the church office. If you forget to RSVP – we still want to see you in worship!
Even after Sunday School and worship happen in person, we will still offer each online for those who choose to continue social distancing. We plan to have 10AM, Sunday morning worship in the Wesley Center to make distancing and cleaning more feasible. All of us will wear masks so that those who are most vulnerable face the lowest risk we can achieve. We will also increase cleaning by staff and volunteers. We are taking these measures because we want everyone to feel welcome and safe to worship in person (or at home, as you choose).
Get your mask ready. If you don’t have one, call me or the church office. I know it is hot and uncomfortable, but let us do this for love of our neighbors who long to be together, but need us to take precautions to protect their health.
Get your mask ready. If you don’t have one, call me or the church office. I know it is hot and uncomfortable, but let us do this for love of our neighbors who long to be together, but need us to take precautions to protect their health.
Remember to stay home from worship if you have any symptoms. Screen yourself before you come to worship by asking yourself:
Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
Have YOU experienced new loss of taste or smell?
Have you experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
Have YOU experienced new loss of taste or smell?
Have you experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
Volunteer to be a Greeter. Our arrival for worship will be different for a while. The Ushers will be busy with some tasks and we need Greeters to help as well. If you can’t wait to talk to every person who comes through the door, this is the job for you! Call Suzanne Payne if you’re interested.
Volunteer to be on the Clean Team. We are increasing our cleaning by staff, but al- so need the temporary help of volunteers. If you want to help, but think talking to everyone is overwhelming – join the Clean Team. To volunteer, call Amy Dewberry.
Please check back next week for more details about our plans and how you can help. We are excited to see you soon!
In Christ,